Thoughts On Christian Education - By Dr. Peter A. Lillback

Faith Based Education recently received a letter from Dr. Peter A. Lillback President, Westminster Theological Seminary on his thoughts on Christian Education. We felt it was worth sharing.

Thoughts On Christian Education
Dr. Peter A. Lillback
President, Westminster Theological Seminary
March 8, 2022

When Christians think of Jesus, they instinctively think of Him as Savior, Redeemer, Lord, Master and King. And all of these titles are certainly correct. But all too often we forget to add “Educator” to His titles! Simply stated, Jesus is the greatest educator and civilizer of all of human history.

Biblical proof of this is found in a very well known text that is usually associated with Jesus’ call for world-wide evangelism—Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We cannot miss the missionary focus of these verses that are often called “the Great Commission.” But woven into the fabric of this last command of Christ is the call to educate the nations as well. First, the word “disciples” literally means “learners.” As Christians in mission, we are to bear witness of Christ so that people will become His followers and learn of Him. And second, the curriculum of our classroom is also found in this passage, “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Christ’s teachings are to be our foundational text in the schoolrooms of faith.

Notice next, that this “last command” of Christ which should be our “first concern” has no reference to the age or level of advancement of the students/disciples. So the Great Commission has implications for children, families, schools, the church, and the seminary. From the cradle in the Christian family to the deathbed of the oldest of the saints, the teaching of Christian truth is called for by our Lord.

As I look back over my life, I am struck by the many expressions of Christian education that have marked by own experience. While I cannot list them all, they have included: Sunday School, Church worship services, Christian camps, Vacation Bible School, Youth ministries of all kinds, evangelism training, mission trips, counseling training, Christian School classrooms, daily Bible reading, Christian College, Theological training in seminary, doctoral studies in church history, reading and writing of newspaper articles, brochures, and books, development of web sites, videos, new members and leadership training materials, offering guided tours, seminars, conferences, radio and television interviews, preaching from the pulpit and on radio.

As President of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, I am glad that I am able to seek to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission both in terms of evangelism and education. But this is only doing what every disciple seeks to do every day in each of our respective places of service—to teach the world about Jesus since He is after all the greatest educator and civilizer of humanity. As we do this together, we are doing our part to fulfill the great promise of Habakkuk 2:14, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”

The bottom line is this—if Jesus is the greatest educator in history, and He has declared that his teaching is to be the curriculum of the school for all ages, what kind of school should your children be placed in? Is Jesus there? Is Jesus’ teaching taught? If not, how will you address this as a follower of Christ? Sadly, Christian schools may be Christian in name only. Whatever your choice on education for your children, as a parent called to honor the Lord by raising your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, you cannot merely delegate your duties to train your children in Christ to others. You are the ultimate educator of your family as a parent.

May God give us homes, churches, schools and communities where Christ is teacher and His teachings are paramount.

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