St. John Lutheran Random Lake - Edward Kurth Literacy Endowment

St. John Lutheran School – Established in 1855, the school of today is built on the legacy of the past–165 years of faithful service by former teachers, principals, and pastors. This faithful service includes Mr. Edward Kurth, principal of St. John Lutheran School from 1944-1967. In addition to teaching and school administration, Kurth played the organ and lead the choirs at St. John Lutheran Church. He was instrumental in the construction coordination and masonry work for the new school building in 1948-1949. A skilled athlete and talented musician, Kurth cared deeply for his students and for the members of St. John Lutheran Church. He infused classroom lessons with his gift for storytelling, harvested maple syrup with students in the local woods, visited hospitalized church members, and emceed weddings and anniversary celebrations.

In memory of this exemplary Lutheran educator, the immediate family of Edward Kurth has graciously blessed St. John Lutheran School with over $49,000 to continue his legacy. Additionally, a grant of $25,000 was awarded from the Kaleidoscope Fund, a partnership of Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) and LCMS Foundation, to establish the Edward Kurth Literacy Endowment.  Schedule A Visit

St John Lutheran School

W5406 County Rd SS & W5407 County Rd SS
Random Lake, WI 53075
School: 920-994-9190


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