Oostburg Christian – The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Oostburg Christian School - OCS 6th-8th grade students will be performing "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"! They have been practicing on stage with full makeup and costume. Performances are scheduled for Friday, May 5 at 6 pm and Saturday, May 6 at 3 pm.

It is sure to be a great performance! Thanks to Katie Gesch for taking directing responsibilities and the entire Gesch, Schuh, Feyereisen and Litke families for countless hours of work given towards set and costume design.

Tickets are $2 at the door and the Bethel and CR churches will be available for parking. The north door of school will be open for entry off of Bethels parking lot.

Schedule A Tour Of Oostburg Christian >

Oostburg Christian

101 South 7th Street
Oostburg, Wisconsin 53070
(920) 564-2664


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