St John The Baptist – Biblical Character Traits

St John The Baptist Catholic School - This school year, each month students and staff will be focusing on a Biblical Character Trait. The teachers will interweave these traits with Catholic Social Teachings and will incorporate more activities and opportunities for reflection on the importance of following in God's footsteps. This month's character trait is Compassion. Third grade practiced "compassion on the playground" in guidance class using an interactive curriculum called the compassion project.

Additional Information about St john The Baptist

SJB offers opportunities to reduce tuition through a Tuition Reduction Grant Program and the St. John the Baptist Angel Fund

St Johns located in Plymouth has a dedicated faculty, a varied curriculum, and supportive parents, St. John the Baptist Catholic School offers an academically challenging and spiritually enriching educational experience for your child. Your choice of the right school for your child is an important one. We invite you to experience firsthand God’s work in our parish school. Learn More About St John The Baptist >

116 Pleasant Street
Plymouth, WI 53073


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