Bethlehem Lutheran - Early Childhood Night

Bethlehem Lutheran Are you looking for a Christian school for your child? Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School is opening enrollment for the 2024-25 school year right around the corner. Visit to see the wonderful things that Bethlehem has to offer to you and your family. Bethlehem is hosting their annual "Snow Much Fun" activity night for children ages 2-6. Children and their families are invited to come and explore some "Snow" activities, have a treat and visit with teachers and staff. "Snow Much Fun" is Monday February 5th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Please contact the school office or mail in the form to register for the evening. See you soon!

To learn more about Bethlehem Lutheran call (920) 452-5071 or click here to Schedule A Tour >

Bethlehem Lutheran School

1121 Georgia Ave.
Sheboygan, WI
(920) 452-5071


2024 National Lutheran Schools Week Kick Off


Christ Child Academy – Open House Wednesday, January 31st